


Try To Escape After Coming Chief Harmening. ———— CHOSE RESULTS IN CAPTURE OF MAN ———— Hearing Held Tuesday When Sum Of $3000. ———— New Ulm was visited Saturday morning by two men who were trying out a short changing stunt, They were unsuccessful in their ...


UNUSUAL PROJECT -- The center of attention for students at Immanuel Lutheran School of rural Courtland, a recently built igloo provides the background for a snow fight in the school yard.

New Ulm wins second district VFW hockey title

NEW ULM BANTAM hockey team won the second district VFW hockey title and will vie in the state VFW bantam tourney Feb. 21-23 at Fergus Falls. New Ulm bantams also will be competing in Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA)playoffs. The team has 17-4-1 season record. Left to right, players ...

Playwright outlines script for New Ulm Heritagefest

Rotaries and their invited guests got a chance Tuesday to meet the playwright hired for Heritagefest and learn about some of his plans. Charles Quimby of Minneapolis was in town to speak at the Rotary Club luncheon and to take part in KNUJ’s “Open Mike” program, broadcast live Tuesday ...

Steer survives 23 days in drift

BALATON -- A white-face steer which survived 23 days buried in a snow drift after the Jan. 10-12 blizzard was discovered recently by farmers who were retrieving the carcasses of dead cattle. The steer was one of 71 cattle which wandered from the Virgil Hagberg farm four miles north of Balaton ...


Unusually Might Demand for Loans Is Responsible for Super-Abundance of Funds. ———— MAY DECREASE INTEREST RATE ON TIME DEPOSITS ———— Superfluity of Money Shows Prosperous Condition of New Ulm and Vicinity. ———— Local bankers are seriously considering the ...