

Daughter seeks support, not judgment, from mother

Dear Annie: My mother, who is now 62, has always been a dominant personality, keen on having things go her way. I’m 34, an independent graphic designer, and I pride myself on being self-sufficient and creative. But every time I share aspects of my life with her -- be it career choices, ...

Do something good

day, try to do something good for the environment (i.e., recycling, not letting the water run). Or try doing something good for somebody else (giving a compliment or holding the door open for someone). Then do one good thing for yourself without guilt, like reading five pages from your favorite ...

Promotion shifts dynamics of longtime friendship

Dear Annie: My friend “Emily” and I go way back to our college days, when we used to share absolutely everything with each other -- the good, the bad and the ugly. She recently got a promotion at work (she works for a well-known accounting firm), something I know she’s been dreaming of ...

A purse emergency

My wife recently had a purse emergency. We were staying at a hotel in a distant city when she noticed that her current purse was, as she put it, “shot.” I examined the thing and told her that that it seemed perfectly functional to me. “Men!” she exclaimed. “They don’t notice ...

Navigating financial and communication boundaries in relationships

Dear Annie: I had been in a wonderful relationship with an incredible woman for two years and 10 months. She recently broke up with me because I had not discussed my personal finances with her. I am a private person and have a difficult time opening up. My reasoning behind not discussing my ...

Switch from bars to liquid soap

Dear Heloise: I just read one more hint about what to do with leftover slivers of hand soap. I have a suggestion: Just throw it away, since it’s worth maybe a dime? Get liquid hand soap instead. It is way more sanitary than those bars of soap that either harden and crack in the soap dish or ...