There are signs that the COVID-19 vaccines being injected into people these days are doing their job. You can see it in the statistics showing the falling number of new cases and deaths. And, unfortunately, you can see it in the continuing rise of cases in states where people are avoiding ...
Residents of the Oak Hills Living Center, indeed, all of New Ulm, owes a debt of gratitude to Joe Ramnarine, who died June 8 at the age of 86. Ramnarine was the administrator of the Highland Manor nursing home in New Ulm back in the 1990s. He knew the facility was too old, too uncomfortable and ...
Minnesota legislators have been in special session for a week to pass state budget bills. They are still working on those, but they did get a significant piece of legislation finished last week.
Legislators agreed on a nearly $1 billion tax cut bill that focuses most of its benefits to ...
The Minnesota Legislature has a lot on its mind these days trying to pass a budget for the next couple of years. It may not have beer sales high on its priority list, but it should be careful about putting the state’s oldest brewery at a competitive disadvantage.
The issue is growler sales. ...
Park improvements
THUMBS UP: The City of New Ulm is celebrating a lot of improvements that are coming about as the result of the RENU program, which extended the city’s half-percent sales tax to fund another round of new and improved Park and Recreation facilities.
The city will hold a ...
Nature abhors a vacuum, it is said, and so it is with bare, blank walls. The bigger the expanse, the more it calls for someone to fill it up with something. That can means unauthorized graffiti or posters and handbills, things that need to be cleaned off, covered up or removed.
But a big, ...