

How to register to vote


Dear Heloise: Next year, I will be eligible to vote for the first time. How do I register to vote in my state? -- Lisa G., Dillon, South Carolina Lisa, it’s really simple. Just go to vote.gov to start the process. Select your state or territory, and depending on your state’s rules, you ...

Mom declines daughter’s sleepover request


Dear Annie: My 16-year-old daughter is relentless in begging me to have a sleepover with her boyfriend. She insists they are not sexually active and that she simply wants to hang out with him, watch movies and sleep next to him. For some reason, nothing I say to explain why my answer is no ...

Reusing tubs of yogurt and butter


Dear Readers: Do not toss out margarine tubs or yogurt cups with lids. They can be reused to hold a variety of small items such as twist-ties, toothpicks, paper clips, magnets, push pins and corncob holders. -- Heloise PROTECTING FAMILY PHOTOS Dear Readers: Fires, floods and other ...

Husband’s slights are taking a toll


Dear Annie: My husband -- who is loving, hardworking and helpful around the house -- slights me from time to time. I believe he loves me, but these slights really hurt and began to become a pattern about 12 years ago. It happened for the first time in our marriage when his ex-girlfriend from ...

Supporting family while on a budget


Dear Annie: I am the middle child of a family that once was very close. We are all grown up now, and our parents have passed away. There were two girls and three boys in the family, and our ages range from 45 to 69. I believe it is up to us to keep our family together, but I’m having a lot ...

A year-end review


The year 2023 arrived amidst a blast of cold and snow. That wasn’t unusual for this neck of the woods, although Mother Nature went a bit overboard regarding her winter weather deliveries. Classes were canceled so often that school officials began to publicize when there would be school ...