

Desperate to decode this dating dilemma


Dear Annie: I’ve found myself in a dating maze and desperately need some advice. I’ve been dealing with some mixed signals from the person I’m dating; he’s all about making plans and being super affectionate one day, then is distant and elusive the next. I’m getting whiplash. How do I ...

Hint on loosening jar really works


Dear Heloise: As I do every morning at breakfast, I read your column, and the first letter I saw was a suggestion from Barbara, in Houston, on how to loosen a stuck jar. Now picture this: Sitting on my counter for the last week is a jar of cherry salsa. Try as I might, that lid would not ...

Family strains and friend flakes


Dear Annie: My husband and I are both in our second marriages, and we’ve been together nearly 27 years. I have no children. He has two grown sons. The younger one has lived with us since he was 11 years old. The older one was 17 when I moved in, and he decided to live with his mother instead ...

Love letters and more for Valentine’s Day


Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope it is filled with lots of love, laughter and joy. Below are some famous quotes about love. “Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” -- William ...

Rubber bands serve as reminders


Dear Heloise: Whether it is a spare ketchup bottle, a garlic powder spice container or a box of crackers, everyone usually has that “extra something” in their pantry waiting to be used and moved to the front of the kitchen cabinet. So, when I buy more than one of something, I put a rubber ...

Seeking harmony in the household


Dear Annie: I have been married for 23 years. This is the second marriage for both of us. My wife has a couple of so-called friends who I have bad vibes about. In the first case, her friend “Carolyn” called my father a loser. I told her off, and when my wife questioned her, she denied it, ...