

Mother’s secret still weighs on me


Dear Annie: When I was 4 years old, my father went to work one day and my mother’s “friend” came to visit us. We had a nice lunch; her friend showed me how he could make smoke rings with his cigarettes and could pull a quarter out of my ear. He bounced me on his knee and was so much fun. ...

How to fix up the house quickly


Dear Heloise: Friends often call to tell me that they are closeby and want to drop by for a visit. Somehow my house always seems to be messy when they call. How can I get things in order quickly before the guests arrive? -- Terry D., Waukesha, Wisconsin Terry, take a look at your house from ...

Staying healthy and saving time


Dear Annie: I’m knee-deep in a demanding job, and I absolutely love it. The problem is, I can tell my health is slipping. I’m not getting a lot of sleep, I rarely have time to hit the gym, and my meals usually consist of fast or frozen food due to time constraints. My body is starting to ...

Thanks to the students of New Ulm High School


We attend many events at the New Ulm High School as senior citizens and grandparents. We want to thank students and others for the respect they give us. Not once — but always someone waits and opens the door for us. God Bless you! Ivan and Judy Friese New Ulm

Political responsibility


To the editor: The price of greatness is responsibility, according to Winston Churchill. Career politicians on every level of government need to take a long hike into retirement for “new, ethical, responsible blood” to hold office, doing their jobs to serve the citizens, not hold office ...

Manicures help with nail-biting


Dear Heloise: I’m responding to Katharine B.’s letter about nail-biting that ran in a recent column. I used to bite my nails, too, so what I did was get “acrylic nails.” You can’t bite through those things! Then I tried “gel” nails, and you can’t really bite though them ...