Dear Annie: I want everyone to keep their germs to themselves. I am carefully training my children to avoid any contact with dirty hands or saliva when handling communal food. Unfortunately, few people in my world share my view.
My mother and mother-in-law routinely share their germs while ...
To the editor:
Dec. 2, 1954
The US Senate passed, 67-22, a resolution condemning Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin, stating he had “Acted contrary to Senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute.”
If Senator McCarthy did not like someone he would ...
President Biden offered a deal on the border to congressional Republicans that they could refuse. To their credit, they did.
The president, speaking from South Carolina, said he would shut down the border “right now,” if Congress passed the proposed bipartisan deal now in front of ...
Dear Heloise: It’s right about this time of year that scammers start targeting elderly people with various schemes to cheat people out of their savings. They might contact you in-person or by telephone, email or letter.
If they contact you by letter, you will most likely see what looks like ...
Dear Annie: I just read the letter from “Anonymous” concerning his alcoholic wife and his inability to help her. This hit home for me 100%. Ten years ago, I divorced my alcoholic husband after 25 years of marriage (28 years together) due to his alcoholism.
It’s not that I didn’t love ...
Dear Heloise: In a recent column, you ran a letter from a plumber about putting grease and oils down the drain. Though all of what he states is true, he did not mention a very effective way of dealing with grease and oils from food.
Using dishwashing detergent with surfactants can simplify ...