

The need for personal responsibility


Dear Annie: This letter is a message to “Fed Up,” the reader whose husband dotes on their daughters. She needs to know that her husband, as well-meaning as he is, is NOT doing your daughters any favors. I know this all too well by example. My mother never learned to be independent. From her ...

Modern Americans lack gratitude


Dear Heloise: I just finished reading the Sound Off from the 94-year-old gentleman in Ohio, and it hit a nerve. He noted the lack of gratitude of modern-day Americans for what we have. We do a lot of whining for what we don’t have, yet very few of us have ever known what real hardship ...

The fast lane to happiness


Dear Annie: I recently had to go to a big-box store to purchase something that I couldn’t get online. The checkout lines on the grocery side of the store were six people deep, but if you looked beyond, to the other side of the store, there were no lines. I’ve been trying to teach family and ...

Conserving water in small ways


Dear Heloise: Many people try to help conserve water by turning off the faucet while brushing their teeth. I realized that when I turn on the water to rinse out my mouth, I do not need the water going at full force. Turning on the faucet halfway or less can also save a bit of water. How many ...

Lack of intimacy


Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I have been together for five years. This last year, there has been no physical intimacy between us at all. We vibe very well in our relationship being partners in a small business. He says he is still attracted to me and keeps on blaming our busy work lives for ...

Cow cuddling questions


There are a lot of creative ways to generate extra income on a farm. For instance, when my sister Diann and I were grade schoolers, we decided to open a sweetcorn stand at the end of our dairy farm’s driveway. Our budding enterprise saw little success due to the fact that our prospective ...