Loretta Lynn delights large crowds

Loretta Lynn and the Coalminers did their thing Saturday night at the Brown County Fair, delighting large crowds at both shows with music, comedy and plain old friendliness.
Even the hard rock fan couldn’t fault the act, full of the latest country songs by entertainers Sandy and Randy Burnett, newcomer Kenny Starr, top songwriter Ray Griff and, of course, Loretta.
The first show moved along without a hitch, delighting everyone. The Burnetts, the background vocals on Loretta Lynn’s albums, were first on the agenda, singing a John Denver favorite, Country Roads. That followed with a Country-Rock tune, Perfect Match, a fast moving song, well harmonized.
Following the Burnett’s, came a man who could have stole the show, had Loretta Lynn not made the scene.
Kenny Starr, only 19, brought out a wit and humor besides a very strong voice. He added a comedy routine with one member of the group that had the audience falling off their seats in laughter.
Starr did his first hit, Whole Lotta Livin, and even an old Elvis Presley tune, You Ain’t Nothing but a Hound Dog.
If the show did have a letdown, Ray Griff was it. Named one of the top five country songwriters, he probably should have stuck to writing.
His harsh voice was hard to discern and his comic antics mixed in with his songs more than it should have.
His ability as a writer and composer are tops, but he is a little reminiscent of popular music writer Paul Williams. Excellent writers, not singers.
However, when Loretta Lynn made her appearance with her bright green dress, the spotlight was all hers.
With a dry, almost emotionless humor, her act was number one. The band, also a bunch of comics, blended well with her humor.
She sang songs from Squaw of the Warpath Tonight to You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take my Man.
She also had her serious side, singing love ballads such as Here I am Again and Blue Kentucky Girl.
After a few numbers, she let the audience decide what she would sing. Only the rain dampened her performance and cut the first show short by about 10 minutes.
She promised the audience Satin Sheets, but didn’t sing it until the second show. Satin Sheets was written by a Lafayette man, Jack Volinkaty. Volinkaty actually forgot the words and a quick call to KNUJ got the lyrics.
The coalminer’s daughter was everything she was expected to be She was charming, witty, and yes, could she sing.
New Ulm Daily Journal,
Aug. 20, 1973