Bashful Swans Were
More Reluctant Than in Some Former Years.
War Years High Tide.
Records in Clerk of
Court Manderfeld’s Office Showed That 258 Licenses Were Issued in 1920.
Brown county swans are either becoming bashful, or Dan Cupid, the little God of Love is increasing the effectiveness of his elusive wiles, judging from the big slump in the number of marriage licenses issued by Clerk Carl P. Manderfeld during the past year, as compared with 1920, which was the banner year with a total of 258 licenses. In 1921 the number was 209 and in 1922 Mr. Manderfeld issued 176 permits to wed. In 1923 there was some improvement over 1922 as a total of 185 licenses were required by those, who desired to exchange “single blessedness” for “matrimonial bliss.” But during the past year another slump was noted, when the number of licenses dropped to 174. The lowest number since 1920.
Even if those couples, who secured their marriage licenses outside of Brown county had obtained them of Clerk of Court Manderfeld, this would hardly suffice to bring the total up to the 1920 or 1921 mark, as the difference is too great.
Dearth of Marriages.
The dearth of marriages in this county is difficult of explanation, especially if one is to believe the oft-repeated claim that the cost of living is far below what it was during the period just following the World war. Not withstanding this claim, it must be admitted that securing the coin of the realm in sufficient quantity to successfully combat the cost of living had not been an easy, task, and this circumstance is probably responsible in a great measure for the falling off in the marriage mart.
October High Month.
October knocked the eye out of June as the “marital month of roses,” as during the former month 28 licenses were issued by Clerk Manderfeld as against 22 for June. September came in second, for 23 couples were given permits to marry by the clerk. May come fourth with 20, with August trailing next with 15. There were 13 licenses issued in February, 12 in July and 10 in December. April and November had nine each, while January came along with eight. March was at the foot of the column with 5. There were 79 licenses issued during the first half of the past year and 97 during the last half.
Here is a comparative statement of the marriage licenses issues during each month of 1923 and 1924:
Month 1923 1924
January 8 8
February 9 13
March 5 5
April 19 9
May 14 20
June 26 22
July 6 12
August 17 15
September 27 23
October 29 28
November 16 9
December 9 10
Brown County Journal,
January 9, 1925