


Championship Will Be

Settled in Armory Here

in March or April.





This Is for Undisputed Championship of Sweden. Steinke Will Go to Mat With Winner.


New Ulm is taking on laurels in the wrestling game, as announced in the Journal several weeks ago, when preliminaries were being arranged to hold the world’s championship heavyweight event in this city. The details have now been completed and the match will be held during the month of March or April at the Armory.

“Strangler” Lewis, holder of the championship at this time, has arranged to come to New Ulm and meet a contender for the title.

Freberg and Lundin.

John Freberg, weighing 242 pounds, the Swedish heavyweight champion, will wrestle Axel Lundin, 241 pounds, claimant of the Swedish champion-ship, at Turner theatre Wednesday evening, January 7, for the undisputed Swedish championship. Lundin represented Sweden in the Olympic games at Paris in 1924.

Steinke to Take on Winner.

Hans Steinke will wrestle the winner of this match early in February as part of a tournament for the European championship. ‘The winner of the February “go” will be matched against Lewis, later in the season. This will be the biggest match pulled off in the United States this year.

Semi-Windup and


The semi-windup Wednesday evening will be between Gus Hanson of Kongsberg, Norway, and L. C. Curtis of Duluth. Both events will be for best two out of three falls. There will be snappy preliminaries.

It will be remembered that Freberg defeated the big Greek champion at Minneapolis recently. The card next Wednesday evening will be one of the best ever arranged in southern Minnesota. Alex Vogel, promoter, has the congratulations of the fans in this vicinity, for his success in securing headliners of such national prominence to come to New Ulm.

Fred Anderson, wellknown licensed referee, will be present on next Wednesday evening, and referee the events. Mr. Anderson is ‘well liked by the fans of New Ulm and nearby communities, as he will permit no unfairness or sharp practice.

Freberg and Lundin are in training at Chicago, Each of these giants and their followers pack the place every afternoon to watch the antics they go through in preparation for the big New Ulm match.

Lundin, the newcomer, has his way to make and is therefore doing the work of a half dozen men to round into perfect shape for the encounter. He has a great number of assistants aiding him.

Freberg, on the other hand, has been wrestling right along and is practically ready to step at top speed now, but so anxious is he to be perfect, that he too, is putting in his best licks and his friends watch as closely as though he was preparing for the championship of the world.

Every Seat Reserved.

Every seat in the house next Wednesday night is reserved. Those,who desire to secure good seats, should do so at once.

Brown County Journal,

January 2, 1925


Starting at $4.38/week.

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