Miss Wanda Nelson Of This City Is Victim Of Angry Mother.
Last Tuesday afternoon Miss Wanda Nelson, teacher in the village school of Courtland was assaulted by Mrs. Arthur Zieske who lives about a mile this side of the village. Miss Nelson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Nelson of this city.
Vents Spleen On Teacher.
It seems the Mrs. Zieske was not satisfied either with the school board or the teacher and called at the school-house Tuesday shortly after four o’clock while there were still pupils present and commenced to scold Miss Nelson. When Miss Nelson told her to leave, she attacked her, struck her, pulled her hair, choked her and finally knocked her down and sat on her. Miss Nelson in some manner managed to free herself from the infuriated woman and ran for protection to the restaurant which is close to the school.
School Authorities Act.
The matter was reported to the school authorities who side with Miss Nelson, of course, and accompanied her the next day to St. Peter where the matter was brought to the attention of the County Attorney. No criminal proceedings have as yet been instituted but they will be unless Mrs. Zieske makes satisfactory reparation to Miss Nelson. If the matter is not satisfactorily adjusted there will be, not only criminal proceedings, but also a civil action for damages.
New Ulm Review,
February 2, 1925