Two-Day Spring Fashion Revue to be Staged
at Turner Theatre,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Popular Twin City Vocalist Will Be Assisted by Local Talent in Special Features.
With the completion of the program for the grand Style show to be staged at Turner theatre, next Wednesday and Thursday, March 4 and 5, under the auspices of New Ulm mercantile establishments, all that remains to be done to add the finishing touches of the arrangements are a few details. Everything will be in readiness, when the doors open, next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, upon a grand two-day spring fashion revue.
Popular Vocalist Coming.
As stated exclusively in the Journal last week, Miss Julia Barr, gifted vocalist, who proved the biggest hit of the recent Twin City Auto show, has been engaged to delight the audiences at the New Ulm Style show. Miss Barr will be assisted by local talent in staging stellar special numbers for each of the four programs. The committee in charge of this feature of the show has spared no expense in securing plenty of delightful entertainment for the visitors. The Orient orchestra of this city has been engaged to furnish the music throughout the show.
Excellent Program.
Included in the generous program are the following numbers: A musical sketch, entitled “Bargains: A Gift to the Public,” put on by Frances Bertha Krook, assisted by Fred. Leonard and a millinery chorus; a ballet, “The Coming of Spring,” in which MarÃon Pfaender, Julia Meyer, Irehe Stamm, Hildegard Amann, Laura Oswald, Fannie Fletcher, Thelma Rinke and Aleen Heymann will take part; dance eccentrique, “Furianti,” by Aleen Heymann and Julia Meyer; Julia Barr, vocal specialties with piano accompaniment by Miss Rosen of St. Paul; “Kitty Shu Chorus,”‘ by France B. Bertha Krook and chorus; playlet,“For Distinguished Service,” by Florence Clay Knox, Thelma Rinke, Aleen Heymann and Jalia Meyer.
Two Performances Daily.
There will be two performances each day, commencing at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon and at 8 in the evening. No seats will be reserved, so that those arriving early will have their choice. A great deal of advance interest has been manifested, not only by residents of this city, but by many out-of-town people, as well and all indications point to capacity louses.
Sponsors of Show.
The following New Ulm mercantile establishments are sponsoring the big Style show: J.A. Ochs & Son, A. Schulke & Sons, M.J. Bieber, Mrs. Anna Rinke, Miss Mary Korbel, Mrs. W.O. Arndt, Fred Meine Clothing Co.,Causcheck & Green, Crone Bros. Co.,Wicherski Shoe store, P.J. Eichten Shoe store, Hackbarth Shoe store and New Ulm Steam laundry.
Brown County Journal,
Feb. 27, 1925