


Lovely Costumes And Stage Presentations Amuse Large Audience.

Those who attended the Masque Ball at Turner Hall Monday evening were not disappointed in the affair as the usual high standard program was presented. Costumes and stage events were very good and a large audience enjoyed the event as much as the dancers did. The Orient Orchestra furnished the music and following the grand march supper was served in the dining room of the hall.

Prize Winners

E. A. Stoll, Mrs. C. F. Crone and Richard Swartz acted as judges and awarded first prize to a group of sixteen young women who were dressed in cross word puzzle costumes. They presented a splendid stage performance and merited the prize they won. Second prize was given to a group who represented the original cast of the Wizard of Oz. Third prize was awarded a group of young men from the Actives class who were made up as Pirates. The number they gave on the stage was most novel and the setting was beautiful. Mrs. Wm. Muesing and her sister Miss Thelma Rinke masked as Armand’s Face Powder Girls were given the prize for the best dressed couple. Miss Hazel Moore of this city and Miss Esther Borchardt of Mankato won the prize for the best comic couple , the former impersonating Hobo Pete and the latter Topsy. Miss Leona Sweazey was given the prize as the best dressed lady, her costume being that of a Spanish girl. Mrs. Lillian Sweazey was masked as a Russian Peasant and was awarded the prize for the masked man, The comic gentleman prize was given to A, H. Beshmen who impersonated “Jack-in – the – Box.” “Lady Bum” was an unknown person who received the lady comic award

Many Characters.

Many different characters were represented including clowns, dancing girls, Shamrock girls, Harem maids, Capt. Kidd Girls, Candy Kids, Hans and Fritz, Old Couples, Dudes, Uncle Sam and Columbia, lord and lady, Frenzel’s Band, Hoboes, Indians, Old maids, An Old Fashioned Dancing Party; and others.

Members of the floor committee presented two acts, the first one entitled “The Living Lounge.” The second act was “The Musical Woodpile” and both productions proved very interesting.

New Ulm Review,

Feb. 25, 1925

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