
Scouts meet first leader here

TWO CADETTE SCOUTS practice their cookie sales pitch for Mrs. T. H. Schonlau, who was the first Girl Scout leader in New Ulm nearly 50 years ago. Brenda Goblirsch, left, and Lorette Meyer are members of the Cadette troop which is counting on cookie sales to help the troop with expenses for its trip to Washington,D.C. in June. Girls Scouts will begin taking orders Friday. Mrs. Schonlau who had only been in New Ulm a year was working at the courthouse when the Congregational pastor asked her to lead a Girl Scout troop here. “He was from the East,”recalls Mrs. Schonlau, “and Girls Scouts were very popular there.” Mrs. Schonlau whose maiden name was Clara Kloppenbach,said scouting in those days didn’t have the varied program it now has. (Photos by Ron Grieser) March 19, 1975 New Ulm Daily Journal

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