Construction of a new or expanded city airport costing $3 to $5 million could be in New Ulm’s future as soon as 1976 if the city council gives the go ahead this year.
Local cost for the project is put at $300,000 to $500,000, depending on how much of the total project is done right away. ...
TOM SCHMITZ, lower right, is the commander of the (S.A.L.) ‘Sons of the American Legion’ Post 132, New Ulm. Standing from left, Shelly Hanson, Austin;State American Legion adjutant; Gene Schmitz, father of Tom, New Ulm, S.A.L. advisor; Jack Bloedel, New Ulm, Post 132commander, and Merrill ...
Varsity hockey will be established at New Ulm Senior High School for the 1975-76 school year.
That action was taken by the District 88School Board Thursday night at a regular meeting with about 50 people in attendance.
The approved plan calls for the initiation of one 20-player varsity team ...
Mayor Emil Mueller and City Clerk W.P. Backer Served With Papers to Appear Before Court Commissioner Albert D. Flor at Two O’Clock Yesterday Afternoon. Ordinance Adopted by Council Recently Said to Conflict With State Law.
At the time of going to press yesterday afternoon, attorneys were ...
Graveling on New Road, High water Fill and
Connection With No. 7 Finished Monday Night.
27,758.5 CUBIC YARDS
One of the Best Rural Thoroughfares in This Section of the State.
Creditable Work.
E. J. McCubrey, resident ...
Residents Urged To Attend
Session And Offer Opinions.
Citizens interested in the matter of sprinkling the streets of New Ulm during the present year are requested to meet Wednesday evening February 25, at 7:30 o’clock in the Armory for the purpose of ...