
Sibley County Court

• Glenn Eric Wolter, 55, Gaylord, admitted to violating probation terms, an underlying offense of 3rd-degree DWI Feb. 6. He was sentenced to six months in the Sibley County Jail.

• Donzell Robert Lindsey, 49, Winthrop, plead guilty to felony 5th-degree possession of a controlled substance and 4th-degree DWI Feb. 6. He was convicted of the DWI offense. The Court stayed adjudication of the drug offense and placed Lindsey on up to three years supervised probation. Conditions are paying a $300 fine within 90 days, completing a comprehensive assessment within 60 days, following all recommendations, not using or possessing alcohol or non-prescribed controlled substances and completing 40 hours Sentence to Service.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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