


December 24, 2024)






WHEREAS, the town

board of Lafayette

Township, Nicollet

County, Minnesota

was presented a peti-

tion at its meeting on

the 14th day of Oc-

tober, 2024 requesting

the vacation of a road;

WHEREAS, the peti-

tion contained a

description of the road,

a description of the

portion to be altered or

vacated, and the

names of the owners

over which the road



Stat. 164.07, subd. 2

requires the town

board to make an order

describing as nearly as

practicable the road to

be vacated, describing

the several tracts of

land through which the

road passes, and fixing

a time and place when

and where the town

board will meet and act

upon the petition;



DERED that:

1. The road proposed

to vacated is described

as: That portion of

577th Lane legally

described as follows:

A tract of land over,

under and across part

of the East Half of the

Northwest Quarter and

part of Platted Lot C,

all being part of Sec-

tion 3, Township 110,

Range 30, Nicollet

County, Minnesota, the

boundary of said road-

way easement being

described as follows:

Commencing at the

northeast corner of

said Northwest Quarter

of Section 3; thence on

an assumed bearing of

North 89 degrees 27

minutes 27 seconds

West along the North

line of said Northwest

Quarter 687.60 feet to

a point on the westerly

right-of-way line of the

now existing Railroad,

said point being the

point of beginning of

the tract to be

described; thence

southerly along said

westerly right-of-way

line along a non-

tangential curve that is

concave to the East,

said curve having a

central angle of 30 de-

grees 26 minutes 17

seconds, a radius

length of 2201.86 feet,

an arc length of

1169.73 feet, a chord

bearing of South 07

degrees 18 minutes 44

seconds West and a

chord length of

1156.02 feet; thence

North 79 degrees 48

minutes 36 seconds

West, not tangent to

last described curve

105.93 feet to the

southeast corner of

Platted Lot B in said

East Half of the

Northwest Quarter;

thence North 09 de-

grees 17 minutes 58

seconds East along the

East line of said Plat-

ted Lot B a distance of

242.03 feet to the

northeast corner of

said Platted Lot B;

thence North 80 de-

grees 09 minutes 12

seconds West along

the North line of said

Platted Lot B a dis-

tance of 18.00 feet to

the southeast corner of

Platted Lot A; thence

northeasterly along the

easterly line of Platted

Lot A and its northerly

extension along a non-

tangential curve that is

concave to the East,

said curve having a

central angle of 22 de-

grees 57 minutes 51

seconds, a radius

length of 2264.20 feet,

an arc length of 907.50

feet, a chord bearing of

North 10 degrees 24

minutes 49 seconds

East, a chord length of

901.44 feet to the

North line of said

Northwest Quarter;

thence South 89 de-

grees 27 minutes 27

seconds East, not

tangent to last

described curve, along

said North line 67.08

feet to the point of be-


A more specific

description may be

developed if the peti-

tion is granted.

2. The several tracts of

land through which the

road passes and their

owners are:


United Farmers


Description of Land

See Exhibit A

3. The Lafeyette Town

Board will conduct a

hearing at 7:00 p.m. on

the 13th day of Janu-

ary, 2025, at the Lafay-

ette Township Hall to

examine the road, re-

ceive public comment,

consider the proposed

action, and act on the




Affected landowners

have right of appeal as

provided in Minn. Stat.

164.07, subd. 7 to seek

judicial review of dam-

ages, need, and pur-

pose if the town board

does decide to estab-

lish or alter a town


Dated: 10-14-24

Wayne Wels

Town Clerk



Jason Enter

Town Board Chair


Part of the East Half of

the Northwest Quarter,

part of 577th Lane, part

of Lot C and Lots A

and B, East Half of the

Northwest Quarter, all

in Section 3, Township

110, Range 30, Nicollet

County, Minnesota,

described as follows:

Commencing at the

northeast corner of

said Northwest Quarter

of said Section 3;

thence on an assumed

bearing of North 89 de-

grees 38 minutes 51

seconds West along

the north line of said

Northwest Quarter

453.22 feet to

right-of-way monument

B23 as shown on MIN-





52-5, according to the

record plat thereof, and

the point of beginning

of the tract to be

described; thence

South 22 degrees 33

minutes 50 seconds

West along the west

line of Parcel 213F, of





NO. 52-5, a distance of

80.03 feet to

right-of-way monument

B22 as shown on said

plat; thence southerly

1260.63 feet along said

west line of said Parcel

213F and along a

tangential curve con-

cave to the east, said

curve has a radius of

1984.86 feet and a

central angle of 36 de-

grees 23 minutes 23

seconds, to

right-of-way monument

B21; thence South 13

degrees 49 minutes 34

seconds East tangent

to the last described

curve, along the said

west line 23.83 feet;

thence North 80 de-

grees 00 minutes 34

seconds West parallel

with the north line of

Main Street Klossner

(now known as County

State Aid Highway No.

5) 150.22 feet; thence

southeasterly 36.83

feet along a

non-tangential curve

concave to the east,

said curve has a radius

of 2122.60 feet, a cen-

tral angle of 0 degrees

59 minutes 39

seconds, the chord of

said curve bears South

13 degrees 19 minutes

44 seconds and has a

chord length of 36.83

feet; thence South 13

degrees 30 minutes 24

seconds East, not

tangent to the last

described curve,

138.16 feet to said

north line of Main

Street Klossner (now

known as County State

Aid Highway No. 5);

thence North 80 de-

grees 00 minutes 34

seconds West along

last said north line

29.75 feet; thence

North 13 degrees 49

minutes 34 seconds

West 126.15 feet;

thence northerly 49.08

feet along a tangential

curve concave to the

east, said curve has a

radius of 2150.59 feet,

and a central angle of

1 degree 18 minutes

27 seconds; thence

North 80 degrees 00

minutes 34 seconds

West, not tangent to

the last described

curve, parallel with

said north line of Main

Street Klossner (now

known as County State

Aid Highway No. 5)

55.40 feet to the wes-

terly right-of-way line of

the now abandoned

railroad; thence north-

erly 148.68 feet along

said westerly

right-of-way line of the

now abandoned rail-

road and along a

non-tangential curve

concave to the east,

said curve has a radius

of 2201.86 feet; a cen-

tral angle of 3 degrees

52 minutes 08

seconds, the chord of

said curve bears North

10 degrees 01 minutes

53 seconds and has a

chord length of 148.65

feet, to the easterly

prolongation of the

north line of Blocks 3

and 4, PLAT OF


TION, according to the

record plat thereof;

thence North 79 de-

grees 59 minutes 19

seconds West along

last said north line of

Blocks 3 and 4, PLAT


TION 275.94 feet to

the southwest corner of

said Lot B, East Half of

the Northwest Quarter

of Section 3, Township

110, Range 30, ac-

cording to the record

plat thereof; thence

North 10 degrees 18

minutes 21 seconds

East along the west

line of said Lot B

240.92 feet to the north

line of said Lot B;

thence South 80 de-

grees 25 minutes 47

seconds East along

said north line of said

Lot B 4.58 feet to the

southwest corner of

said Lot A; thence

North 09 degrees 59

minutes 45 seconds

East along the west

line of said Lot A

164.43 feet to the

northwest corner of

said Lot A; thence

North 00 degrees 39

minutes 53 seconds

East 670.04 feet to a

line parallel with and

distant 33.00 feet

southerly of as meas-

ured perpendicular to

said north line of the

Northwest Quarter,

said line also known as

the north line of said

Lot C; thence easterly

along said parallel line

distant 33.00 feet

southerly of as meas-

ured perpendicular to

said north line of the

Northwest Quarter,

said line also known as

the north line of said

Lot C, 251.26 feet to

the westerly line of said

577th Lane; thence

northeasterly 35.33

feet along a

non-tangential curve

concave to the east,

and along said wester-

ly line of said 577th

Lane, said curve has a

radius of 2264.20 feet,

a central angle of 0 de-

grees 53 minutes 39

seconds, the chord of

said curve bears North

21 degrees 15 minutes

32 seconds East and

has a chord length of

35.33 feet to said north

line of said Northwest

Quarter; thence South

89 degrees 38 minutes

51 seconds East along

last said north line

301.46 feet to the point

of beginning. This tract

contains 12.49 acres

and is subject to any

and all easements of


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