(January 2, 2025)
School Board
Independent School
District No. 88
New Ulm, Minnesota
The ISD 88 School
Board met for the Reg-
ular Meeting on No-
vember 21, 2024.
Members present:
Gag, Groebner,
Ringhofer, Schiro,
Waloch, and Dewanz.
Absent: Sunderman.
Meeting called to order
by Chair Gag.
1. Dewanz/Schiro ap-
proval of revised agen-
da and appendix. (6-0)
2. Schiro/Dewanz ap-
proval of minutes.
3. Dewanz/Schiro ap-
proval of consent
agenda. (5-0, Gag
Super-intendent’s, Ac-
tivities, Staff Develop-
ment, DCAC, Com-
munity Education, Poli-
cy, Finance, Student
Committee, and An-
5. Schiro/Waloch ap-
proval of revised
Achievement and Civic
Readiness Plan/
Achievement and In-
tegration Summary.
6. Schiro/Ringhofer ap-
prove the probability
and statistics resource.
7. Groebner/Waloch
approval of bills for
audit/budget report.
8. Accepted Cash Bal-
ance Report.
9. Ringhofer/Dewanz
acceptance of dona-
tions. (6 -0)
10. Groebner/Dewanz
adoption of policies not
requiring significant
changes or second
reading. (6-0)
11. Second policy
12. Dewanz/Groebner
adoption of revised pol-
icy. (6-0)
13. Schiro/Dewanz ap-
proval of MOU with
NUEA for the Read
Act. (6-0)
14. Dewanz/Waloch
adjournment at 5:50
p.m. (6 -0 )
Complete minutes and
documents are avail-
able for review in the
superintendent’s office,
District Offices, 414
South Payne Street,
New Ulm, Minnesota.
A digital recording of
board proceedings is
available by contacting
the superintendent’s
Independent School
District #88
New Ulm, Minnesota
By: Amanda Groebner,