(January 14, 2025)
Request For Proposals
Comprehensive Park
and Recreation
System Master Plan
The City of New Ulm
Park and Recreation
Department is seeking
proposals from quali-
fied consultants for
professional services
to prepare a
Comprehensive Parks
and Recreation Sys-
tem Master Plan.
Responses are solicit-
ed for this project in ac-
cordance with the
terms, conditions, and
instructions set forth in
this RFP. Responses
are due no later than
4:00 p.m. (CDT) Fri-
day, February 14,
Attn: Joey Schugel
Park and Recreation
City of New Ulm
122 South Garden St.
New Ulm, MN 56073
You may obtain a copy
of the Request for Pro-
posal (RFP) online at
or by contacting Park
and Recreation at
It is anticipated that the
City Council will select
the successful RFP
submittal at their regu-
lar City Council meet-
ing on Tuesday, March
18, 2025.