(January 21, 28, 2025)
Notice of Public
Notice Is Hereby
Given, that the City
Council of the City of
New Ulm, Brown
County, Minnesota will
meet in the Council
Chambers in the New
Ulm City Hall on Tues-
day, February 4, 2025
at 4:30 p.m. to consid-
er ordering in the fol-
lowing improvements:
2025 Utility, Street and
Alley Improvement
1. Bridge Street from
Cottonwood Street to
Tower Road. Recon-
struction of the existing
watermain, sanitary
sewer main, sewer and
water end services,
storm sewer modifica-
tions, and reconstruc-
tion of the existing
roadway section in-
cluding excavation and
replacement of
subgrade, aggregate
base, bituminous pav-
ing, pavement sub-
drains, concrete curb
and gutter, concrete
sidewalk extension,
pedestrian sidewalk
ramps, street lighting
and selective replace-
ment of concrete drive-
way pavement.
2. Lakeside Village Ad-
dition. Initial roadway
improvements on the
existing roadway seg-
ments where under-
ground utilities have
been previously con-
structed. Project con-
sists of grading, aggre-
gate base, bituminous
paving, concrete curb
and gutter, concrete
sidewalks, concrete
driveway pavement,
boulevard restoration
and street lighting.
3. Alley Block 59 South
of Center Street. Alley
from 6th South Street
to 7th South Street
between Minnesota
Street and German
Street. Reconstruction
of the existing alley
pavement section in-
cluding grading, aggre-
gate base, bituminous
surfacing, selective
seven inch (7″) con-
crete alley approach
pavement, miscellane-
ous removals and res-
4. Alley Block 60 South
of Center Street. Alley
from 5th South Street
to 6th South Street
between Minnesota
Street and German
Street. Reconstruction
of the existing alley
pavement section in-
cluding grading, aggre-
gate base, bituminous
surfacing, selective
seven inch (7″) con-
crete alley approach
pavement, miscellane-
ous removals and res-
5. Miscellaneous Con-
crete Sidewalk and
ADA Improvements.
ADA pedestrian ramp
and miscellaneous
concrete improve-
ments to compliment
the improvements
scheduled within the
2025 Capital Improve-
ment Plan to meet the
current ADA require-
ments as per New
Ulm’s adopted ADA
Transition Plan and
other deficient concrete
sidewalk at locations
determined by the City
pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Sections
429.011 to 429.111.
The area proposed to
be assessed for such
improvements is each
lot, piece and parcel of
property specially
benefited by said im-
provements. A reason-
able estimate of the
impact of the assess-
ment will be available
at the hearing. The to-
tal estimated cost of
the 2025 Utility, Street
and Alley Improvement
Project is
$6,003,870.00. Such
persons as desired to
be heard with refer-
ence to the proposed
improvements will be
heard at this meeting.
By Order Of The City
Nicole L. Jorgensen
Finance Director
(January 21, 2025)
Public Notice –
Minnesota Department
of Transportation,
This notice serves as
an announcement re-
quired by the Federal
Communications Com-
mission (FCC) about
an antenna tower to be
relocated. The date of
publishing this
announcement serves
as the start of the
FCC’s required 30-day
comment period for
interested parties to
comment on this
proposed action.
MnDOT Aeronautics
owns, operates, and
maintains Automatic
Weather Observation
Systems (AWOS) as
part of the National
Airspace System. The
Proposed Antenna
Tower will serve as an
AWOS located on
airport property KULM
New Ulm, MN and has
been previously con-
structed and/or is being
relocated on the Airport
The Proposed Tower
is a 30-foot-tall lattice
tower with various
AWOS Weather
Sensors mounted on
the tower, including
Transmitters and
Receivers. A Steady
Red Emitting Light will
be located at the top of
the tower.
Interested persons
may review the appli-
cation for this project
by going to the FCC’s
Antenna Structure
Registration Applica-
tion Search website
jsp and entering the
Form 854 File Number:
The FCC requires
interested parties to file
Requests for Environ-
mental Review online;
instructions for making
such filings can be
found at
Interested persons
may raise environmen-
tal concerns about the
proposed structure by
filing a Request for
Environmental Review
with the Federal
For questions about
this project, contact
John Dalton at MnDOT