(February 1, 2025)
Joint notice is hereby
given of the intent to
adopt an Orderly An-
nexation Agreement
(OAA) between Cotton-
wood Township and
the City of New Ulm
designating certain
properties for Orderly
Annexation pursuant to
Minnesota Statute
414.0325, Sub. 1(b).
The entire text of the
Joint Resolution includ-
ing the full legal
description and map of
the orderly annexation
area is available for re-
view at the New Ulm
City Hall or on the
City’s website at
The properties intend-
ed to be included in the
OAA area are as fol-
¢ The Northwest
Quarter of Section 31,
Township 110 North,
Range 30 West, Brown
County, Minnesota,
¢ Lot 1, Lot 2, Sublot
A of Lot 4, Sublot A of
Lot 5, Sublot B of Lot
5, Sublot C of Lot 5, all
being in the Southwest
Quarter, along with,
Sublot 1 of Lot 3, Sub-
lot 2 of Lot 3
and Sublot 3 of Lot 3 of
the Southeast Quarter,
all being in Section 32,
Township 110 North,
Range 30 West, Brown
County, Minnesota,
¢ Lot B of the
Southeast Quarter of
the Southwest Quarter,
VISION, and that part
of Government Lots 10
and 11 lying southwes-
terly of the current
Canadian Pacific Rail-
road right of way, all in
Section 34, Township
110 North, Range 30
West, Brown County,
Minnesota, and;
¢ That part of Sections
3, 4, and 5, Township
109 North, Range 30
West, being northerly
of the following
described line:
Beginning at the
Southeast Corner of
said Section 3, thence
westerly on the south
line of said Section 3, a
distance of 1530.00
feet; thence North 48
degrees 44 minutes 14
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 4222.90 feet;
thence South 15 de-
grees 22 minutes 21
seconds East, a dis-
tance of 2366.06 feet;
thence South 21 de-
grees 16 minutes 05
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 532 feet more
or less to the south line
of said Section 3;
thence westerly on
said south line of Sec-
tion 3 and the south
line of said Section 4, a
distance of 4141 feet;
thence North 0 de-
grees 08 minutes 26
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 1917.08 feet;
thence South 58 de-
grees 30 minutes 21
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 989.43 feet;
thence South 10 de-
grees 16 minutes 41
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 304.28 feet;
thence South 67 de-
grees 29 minutes 40
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 388.22 feet;
thence North 51 de-
grees 19 minutes 13
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 705.45 feet;
thence North 75 de-
grees 23 minutes 23
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 475.87 feet;
thence South 39 de-
grees 20 minutes 09
seconds West, a dis-
tance 611.95 feet;
thence South 63 de-
grees 54 minutes 22
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 521.73 feet;
thence North 71 de-
grees 39 minutes 02
seconds West, a dis-
tance of 170 feet more
or less to the west line
of the Southeast Quar-
ter of the Southeast
Quarter of said Section
5, and there terminat-
ing, excepting
therefrom Riverview
Addition, Gulden’s Cot-
tonwood Addition, and
the West 466.57 feet of
Lot A of the Northwest
Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter of
said Section 4, accord-
ing to plats of record.
¢ The North 1/2 of
Section 5, Township
109 North, Range 30
The New Ulm City
Council will consider
adopting the Joint
Resolution at their reg-
ular meeting on Tues-
day, February 18, 2025
at 4:30 P.M. at the
New Ulm City Hall, 100
North Broadway, New
Ulm, MN 56073.
The Cottonwood
Township Board will
consider adopting the
Joint Resolution at
their regular meeting
on Tuesday, February
11, 2025 at 5:00 P.M.
at the Cottonwood
Town Hall, 12984 Main
Street, Searles, MN
Dated: January 24,
Nicole Jorgensen
Finance Director
City of New Ulm
Lisa Leskey Clerk
Cottonwood Township
(February 1, 2025)
New Ulm Planning
Commission – City of
New Ulm, Minnesota
The New Ulm Planning
Commission will meet
Thursday, February 13,
2025 at 5:00 p.m. to
conduct a Special
Said meeting will be
held in the Council
Chambers in the New
Ulm City Hall in said
The purpose of said
meeting shall be to dis-
cuss and recommend
to the City Council
Adult-Use Cannabis
Zoning Regulations for
the City of New Ulm,
and other business that
may come before the