


(February 5, 12, 2025)



Online Bids for: New

Ulm Public Schools

I.S.D. #88

Washington Learning

Center 910 14th Street

North, New Ulm, MN


Project Scope: The

2025 Reroofing of

areas E & G at the

Washington Learning

Center QuestCDN pro-

ject #9521609

A Mandatory Pre-Bid

Meeting will be held on

February 20th at 10:00

AM at the Washington

Learning Center, 910

14th N S, New Ulm,

MN 56073. The


and/or City of East

Grand Forks

Representatives will

review the bidding pro-

cedures, Bidding Docu-

ments and other condi-

tions with interested

Bidders and answer


Bidding Documents

are as prepared by the


Architect/Engineer of

Record; Dan Trenda,

RSI Building Envelope.

2400 Prior Avenue N,

Roseville, MN 55113.

Phone: (651)

639-0644, Email:

www.roofspec.com In-

terested parties may

view the Bidding Docu-

ments at no cost on the

QuestCDN online. In-

terested contractors

can download and sub-

mit a bid by registering

with QuestCDN online


or calling (952)

233-1632. Bidding Do-

cuments can be down-

loaded for a

non-refundable charge

of $22.00. Plan holders

are parties that have

downloaded the Draw-

ings and specifications.

Registering as a plan

holder is recommend-

ed for all prime con-

tractors and subcon-

tractors as plan holders

will be notified of all

addenda and other

contract document up-

dates via email from

QuestCDN. Instruc-

tions to Bidders are

available in the Project

Manual with the Bid-

ding Documents.

Parties that download

the Drawings and

specifications and

need to have them

printed elsewhere, are

solely responsible for

those printing costs.

The sales of paper

copies for projects list-

ed on this site are not


For questions or assis-

tance contact

QuestCDN.com at

952-233-1632 or

info@questcdn.com for

assistance with view-

ing, downloading, for

this digital project infor-



(February 12, 2025)

AT&T Mobility is pro-

posing to modify an ex-

isting wireless telecom-

munications facility on

an existing water tank

located at 1126 Sum-

mit Avenue, New Ulm,

Brown County, Min-

nesota 56073. The

modifications will con-

sist of the collocation

of antennas at approxi-

mately 167ft above

ground level (meas-

ured to the top of the

antennas) on the 163ft

tall water tank. Any in-

terested party wishing

to submit comments

regarding the potential

effects the proposed

facility may have on

any historic property

may do so by sending

comments to: Project

041177-PR, EBI Con-

sulting, 21 B Street,

Burlington, MA 01803,

or at (617) 715-1822

Starting at $4.38/week.

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