
Candy collectors for the troops

Jefferson Elementary won the $250 prize from Allina Health for donating the most candy to soldiers overseas. Jefferson students donated 212.6 pounds of candy out of the total 249.4 pounds collected between Jefferson and the Washington Learning Center. Allina also will donate $249.40 to the local food shelf as part of their pledge to donate $1 per pound of candy. Jefferson students pictured from left to right, back row: Sophie Berger and Noah Braun; middle row: Teegan Schmiesing, Raya Waltermann, Nyellie Gant, Renee Kilgore and Autumn Guggisberg; Front row: Makayla Borchert, Zoey Zins, Mara Schwab, Kaden Fortuengler, Kaden Steuber and Emmy Moher.

Jefferson Elementary won the $250 prize from Allina Health for donating the most candy to soldiers overseas. Jefferson students donated 212.6 pounds of candy out of the total 249.4 pounds collected between Jefferson and the Washington Learning Center. Allina also will donate $249.40 to the local food shelf as part of their pledge to donate $1 per pound of candy. Jefferson students pictured from left to right, back row: Sophie Berger and Noah Braun; middle row: Teegan Schmiesing, Raya Waltermann, Nyellie Gant, Renee Kilgore and Autumn Guggisberg; Front row: Makayla Borchert, Zoey Zins, Mara Schwab, Kaden Fortuengler, Kaden Steuber and Emmy Moher.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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