NUHS seniors awarded scholarships

NUHS seniors awarded scholarships
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Fifty-four seniors from New Ulm High School received a total of $54,600 in college scholarships. Pictured, left to right, front row, Grace Nelson, Kendra VanDeest, Sarah Preisinger, Hannah Altmann, Alexandra Bidwell, Michelle Gruber, Jessica Petersen, Josie Groebner, Lauren Schueler; second row, Kyle Brunner, Nicholas Syverson, Hailey Boelter, Hunter Kral, Rodrigo Tojo Garcia, Connor Gag, Samuel Denney, Jessica Miller, Sage Lehman, Rebekah Hoppe; third row, Sarah Longtin, Amy Harris, Alex Portner, Jacob Radloff, Ashley Mehlhop, Kaila Brudelie, Jane Arnoldt, Eileen Chen, Dylan Kotten, Kodie Bastian, Thomas Bauer; fourth row, Samantha Nesje, Nicholas Schultz, Mackenzie Braulick, Claire Bastian, Ramsi Forst, Kaiya Gieseke, Branden Kral, Madalyn Stewart, Morgan Eikanger, Mariah Piotter, Connor Foley, Riley Appel; fifth row, Tyler Roufs, Luke Scheid, Emma Gauert, Oliver Thomas, Deren Swanson-Cullen, Matthew Messanger, Tyler Walls, Jacob Todd, Karen King.