
Inside former Target: City use possible?

Staff photo by Clay Schuldt City staff and city council members tour the 89,000-square-foot empty Target building to determine if a city use could be found.

NEW ULM — Members of the New Ulm City Council and City Staff toured the former Target building, Wednesday.

The city is considered alternative uses for the 89,000-square-foot building. Council members wanted to keep an open mind to the building’s potential. Its size and large parking lot make it attractive for use in the upcoming RENU projects.

During the tour multiple issues were cited for why it could not work for RENU. The ceiling height was not great enough for several recreational activities or the gymnastic facility. The support columns in the building further limited the types of activities possible.

It was suggested the indoor walking track could be relocated to the Target building, but this would split the Recreation Center’s offerings between two buildings.

The Target’s roof and HVAC systems were another concern. Both would likely need to be replaced in the next few years. The cost of replacing the roof and HVAC was a factor in Target’s decision to leave New Ulm.

No formal decision was made by the council regarding the building as the tour was a work session.

The RENU Oversight Committee will meet again, Wednesday, March 27, to further discussion options.

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