
Commissioners to set public hearing date for county fee revisions

Possible closed session for sale of tax-forfeited property

NEW ULM — Commissioners will consider setting a public hearing for 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 18 for fee schedule revisions during their meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

The board meeting begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the courthouse commissioner’s room.

In November 2019, department heads were directed to review the fee schedule and submit any proposed changes. Fee changes will not be made at the Jan. 21 meeting.

Setting a public hearing ahead of time enables department heads to solicit public input on proposed changes to be brought forward at the Feb. 18 meeting.

Proposed fee changes include raising delinquent tax processing from $30 to $50 and doubling the drainage ditch system annual fee from $15,000 to $30,000.

Commissioners will also:

• Convene a closed session to discuss possible sale of tax-forfeited property and the possibility of selling the property, if an offer is received.

• Consider the purchase of a drone FLIR camera from Frontier Precision, Maple Grove, for $13,200. The purchase would be paid from county reserves, according to prior discussion at 2020 budget planning meetings.

• Consider the purchase of a new 2020 Ski Doo 600R ES Touring snowmobile for $9,050 from Miller Sellner with MnDNR Snowmobile grant funds. Minnesota State Contract price is $9,601.67 from Duluth Lawn & Sports.

• Receive a 2019 Percent Delinquent Report reflecting a .4228% unpaid amount for property taxes. Gold Star jurisdictions for all taxes collected as Bashaw and North Star Townships.

“Brown County taxpayers have always accepted their tax responsibility and should be commended,” wrote Brown County Auditor-Treasurer Jean Prochniak in her request for board action.

• Setting a letting date for surface rehabilitation projects on CSAH 7, 8, 10, 20, 21, 22 & Cottonwood County CSAH 11. The Brown County Highway Department recommends the board set a 10 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020 letting date. Results would be brought for board approval on March 3, 2020. Projects are anticipated to be rehabilitated in the June to October time frame.

• Setting a letting date of 2 p.m., Feb. 25, 2020 for grading and surfacing projects on 12th Ave. N.E., St. Mary’s Street, Elm Street and city lot improvements in Sleepy Eye.

The project including grading, aggregate base, bituminous pavement, concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, storm sewer, storm pond, sanitary sewer, water main and turf restoration, is planned to be done over two years with an Aug. 31, 2021 final completion.

• Approve changes to the Brown County Well-Sealing Cost-Share Program and $4,000 in additional funding from interest generated by the County Septic Loan Program.

(Fritz Busch can be emailed at fbusch@nujournal.com).

Starting at $4.38/week.

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