
Mini- museum features rock show

Staff photo by Clay Schuldt The Grand’s mini-museum is displaying a new exhibit on Art Rocks. The painted rocks in the Small Musuem were decorated by the Creativity Camp kids this summer.

NEW ULM — The Smallest Museum in Minnesota, located outside the Grand, has a new exhibit that rocks.

The new exhibit opened Friday and displays examples of the rock art paintings made by kids in the Grand’s Creativity Camp held this summer.

With this exhibit, the Grand is hoping to promote fun, easy, low-cost projects for all ages. The idea behind the Art Rock program is to spread creativity through the community. After the rock is decorated, the artist is encouraged to hide in public spaces around the community. When a person finds a painted rock, they can post a picture of the rock on Facebook, re-hide the rock, or keep the rock and paint a new one to replace it.

Art rock projects have grown significantly since COVID-19 hit. With many artists and creative types on lockdown the last few months, rock painting and hiding has caught on. Those knowing where to look can find these rocks all over New Ulm. A large catch of painted rocks was located in the riprap near the Cottonwood Street Bridge.

The Art Rock display will remain in the mini-museum outside The Grand through September. Grand Program and Marketing Manager Stacy Watje said after the exhibit ends, the rocks will be hidden throughout New Ulm.

This exhibit was the second curated for Minnesota Smallest Museum since it’s creation early this year. Individuals or groups are invited to apply to curate the micro-museum in two-month increments. Exhibits in the museum do not have to be from artists. Exhibit Applications are available at the Grand.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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