Lucky dog
Springer spaniel survives open well ordeal near Morgan
REDWOOD COUNTY — Heather Neid was mystified at first when she heard her springer spaniel “Gannicus” barking from a grove of trees down the driveway on Feb. 16.
Her initial thoughts included the possibility of the dog being hit by a vehicle and being unable to make it back to the house. She thought about her two small children, ages five years old and seven months old, too.
The dog’s barking led her to find Gannicus down a well, 30 feet deep and 20 inches wide.
“I was heartbroken, not knowing how I was going to get him out,” Neid said.
She quickly called for help. Within minutes, Redwood County Sheriff Jason Jacobson and the Morgan Fire Department were on the scene several miles south of Morgan.
Sheriff Jacobson called Robert Nielsen, a Minnesota Department of Health Well Management Program district hydrologist to let him know about the abandoned well and to insure it would get sealed.
Meanwhile, the Morgan rescue squad dropped a rope down the well shaft, hoping Gannicus would take it.
Sure enough, the playful pup bit the rope and didn’t let go as the crew pulled him to safety.
Neid said the family didn’t know the uncovered well existed and it was not disclosed to them when they bought the property, only 10 days before the incident.
Neid said her partner has covered the well for now and they are in the process of getting it sealed and covered permanently.
“This incident could have been much, much worse,” Nielsen said. “We can all be thankful it was Gannicus that discovered the well and that he was rescued quickly.”
Nielsen talked more about unused wells.
“Our paramount concern with unused wells is the potential physical hazard presented by an open well,” Nielsen added. “We’ve had several stories of wildlife or pets falling into wells or well pits, but thankfully none involving a person. Unused wells also pose a threat to groundwater and human health through contamination.”
A well does not need to be extremely large in diameter or depth to pose a physical hazard.
For instance, in 1987, 18-month-old Jessica McClure was rescued from a well in Midland, Texas, after 56 hours in a nationally publicized rescue operation. That well was just 8 inches in diameter.
The best way to prevent any human, animal or environmental harm from an unused well is for all owners of property with wells to know a few simple rules and steps for ensuring wells are safe:
• Minnesota statute and rule require that unused, unsealed wells must be sealed by a licensed well contractor.
• Property owners should not attempt to fill an unused well themselves – it must be done by a licensed well contractor.
• A well owner is always given the option to place an unused well back in service, but often this isn’t feasible because the well’s condition has deteriorated beyond repair.
• Minnesota law requires the seller of property to provide information to the buyer and the state (MDH) about the location and status of all wells on the property.
• Status is divided into three categories: In-use, Not-in-use, and Sealed by a licensed well contractor.
• More information on well disclosures can be found at: Well Disclosure
• Questions about unused wells can be directed to MDH Well Management staff or a local well contractor. The Well Management main phone number is: 651-201-4600 or 800-383-9808
• More information on sealing unused wells is available at: Sealing Unused Wells
(Fritz Busch can be emailed at
The Minnesota Department of Health contributed to the story).