
Brown County Republicans honor Boelter

Pictured with award recipients from the prior three years, left to right: Gerane Spurgin (2021), Bryce Boelter, Jenny Spurgin (2021), Judy Hahn (2022) and Beth Griffis (2020).

Bryce Boelter of New Ulm received the 2023 Brown County Republican Distinguished Service Award engraved traveling plaque during the Brown County Republican annual convention held on March 18. This honor recognizes his energy, enthusiasm and can-do approach in supporting Republican candidates and activities. Pictured with award recipients from the prior three years, left to right: Gerane Spurgin (2021), Bryce Boelter, Jenny Spurgin (2021), Judy Hahn (2022) and Beth Griffis (2020). U.S. 1st District Congressman Brad Finstad of New Ulm gave an update from Washington D.C. State Senator Gary Dahms (SD15 – Redwood Falls) and State Representative Paul Torkelson (HD15B – Hanska) also addressed the convention delegates. Other convention business included the election of officers and committee members for 2023-2025: Greg Bartz, Sleepy Eye – Chair, Beth Griffis, Springfield – Deputy Chair, Gerane Spurgin, New Ulm – Secretary, Judy Hahn, New Ulm – Treasurer and Scott Waldner, New Ulm – Finance Chair. Elected by county commissioner district and at-large were: Josh Anderson, Sam Arsers, Mary Bartz, Bryce Boelter, Shelly Boelter, Dan Borgwardt, Dave Carruthers, Barbara Horsch, Nori Houldson, Marlys Lochner, John Nicholson, Lori Schumann, Jenny Spurgin, Carol Wendland, Bert Wilson.

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