Nicollet School Board welcomes new Superintendent
The Nicollet Public School Board officially congratulated Robin Courier as NPS’ new superintendent and welcomed her to the meeting on Wednesday, January 10. Courier’s new position began on January 1.
Courier responded, “I want to thank Becky McKinley for making the transition to my new position go so smoothly. I also want to thank the staff and school board for the opportunity. I love this school and the students in this district, so thank you!”
An official welcome for Nancy Remmert, NPS’ new K-8 Principal, will be at next month’s board meeting. Remmert officially started her part-time position on January 2. She has already met with staff and has begun working with the implementation of the instructional improvement plan.
Superintendent Courier reported that she has scheduled January 17, 5 p.m., for Minnesota School Board Association’s (MSBA) Gail Gilman to conduct a workshop with the school board. It will be an open meeting. The purpose is to look at the School Board Self Evaluations and related items.
Courier reported that furnaces have been replaced in the Readiness and Toddler rooms. “They had been without heat for about a week,” she said.
There is a posting for a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Interventionist to work with students in the areas of Social Work. The position is open to licensed social workers, psychologists, or school counselors. The posting will close at the end of January.
Courier explained that staff and administrators have been revamping the Emergency Operations Plan. The plan is to train staff on February 16. After training, each teacher will instruct students on the drills. In March, the sheriff’s office and Nicollet Public Health will meet with NPS to coordinate plans.
Courier explained the American Red Cross approached NPS to be an evacuation center in the case of a catastrophic event.
Courier said the 2023 financial audit is not ready yet. She explained that Jim Freihammer, Business Manager, who started working at NPS on August 1, is working hard on it. The plan is to have the final audit ready for the March board meeting or at a special meeting in February.
Courier also has 9-12 grade principal duties. She reported on upcoming events for School Community Engagement, Home and School Community Engagement and Student Engagement.
January is the time for the school board to organize many items. The board officers remained the same as last year after taking nominations. They are Adam Erickson as Chair, Scott Osborne as Vice Chair, Ashley Black as Clerk, and Mike Slater as Treasurer.
Committee assignments for 2024 are: Erickson and Slater and Jill Martens for advertising, Osborne and Slater for building and grounds, Nick Thom and Martens for negotiations, Osborne and Thom for transportation contracts, Martens for community education, Slater for Minnesota State High School League, Black for Minnesota Valley Education District and Nicollet County Collaborative, with Erickson for Nicollet Early Childhood Center.
The board members’ and board officers’ stipends will remain the same as 2023. ProGrowth Bank will be the district’s depository financial institution with Superintendent Courier as the District account authority and removing Dr. Stephen Malone. The superintendent and District Business Manager have authorization to make electronic transfers for the purpose of bond payment and investment of excess funds.
The district’s legal counsel will continue with Kennedy & Graven, P.A. and the district auditor as BerganKDV. The district’s mileage reimbursement rate will be the Federal reimbursement rate of .67 per
mile. Also approved was to authorize the use of facsimile signatures in carrying out district business pursuant to Minnesota Law.
School board meetings will continue to be held the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. with the New Ulm Journal to be the district’s official newspaper.
The board also approved the December bills for $303,971.93 and the hiring of Lauryn Lyden as an assistant teacher for Daycare and April Neal as an assistant cook in Food Service.
After the meeting, the school board members left to attend the MSBA Leadership Conference being held in Minneapolis on January 11 and 12.