
Nicollet Public School Board reviews budget and staff

The Nicollet Public School Board carefully reviewed staffing changes and the Revised 2023-24 budget at their Wednesday meeting.

School District Business Manager, Jim Freihammer, presented the Revised 2023-24 budget to the board. They approved it and are ready to review the 2024-25 budget.

“I will send next school year’s budget to you by June 5, a week in advance of your June 12 board meeting,” said Freihammer.

Superintendent Robin Courrier recommended non-renewal for the teaching contracts of probationary teachers Sarah Myer, Sarah Gullixson and Katelyn Scharpe effective June 30, 2024. Courrier pointed to Minnesota Statute on enrollment and budget reductions in explaining the non-renewal is due to student enrollment and budget reductions.

“The statute has a timeline for doing renewals. It is better for us to do a greater amount following this statute and timeline knowing that we may have the opportunity to repost and possibly rehire these teachers after further budget review. We do need them for our district,” said Courrier.

The board recognized Karen Aarons, a paraprofessional in the district for 32 years. She is retiring after the school year.

“She has exemplified the best of the best in working with children. She knows the kids, the kids’ parents, and more. She goes out of her way to assist the kids. I want to personally thank you and the board has a small gift as a token of appreciation for everything you do,” said Courrier.

“I loved working here or I wouldn’t have stayed for 32 years. I know I’m going to miss it,” said Aarons.

Other staffing changes include the resignation of math teacher Naomi Paulson-Michael who is taking a teaching position in Alaska.

“Thank you to Mrs. Paulson for her service and dedication to our children. She went above and beyond of what was expected of her,” said Courrier.

Jay Brockman was offered the Science teaching position for the 2024-25 school year.

“He comes with some excellent experience,” said Courrier.

Courrier thanked Lisa Fischer for organizing this year’s Summer School. It will be held mornings, Monday through Thursday, during the month of June. Currently there are 41 students and 4 teachers participating.

Emmelyn King, Science teacher at NPS, presented her concerns about the contract with SMS and the number of errors that have been experienced.

“There are various errors, but the most recent error happened after our contract was settled and we were to receive back pay. We did get our checks, but only to discover that we couldn’t deposit them unless you went to the bank. The issue is that the routing number is not correct,” said King.

The early release day of April 17, 2025 was approved to change to a full staff development day for the purpose of working toward the Read Act compliance and secondary instructional improvement planning.

Courrier presented the Principal’s Report to the board. She explained all the activities, trips, and student engagement opportunities for students as well as staff development activities.

Board chair Adam Erickson and board member Nick Thom asked Courrier for the students’ testing results.

“We don’t have all the results, but I can give you preliminary results at the June 12 meeting. Final results will probably not be available until August,” said Courrier.


Kendra Hoffman, Nicollet Early Childhood Center Director, described the contracts that were recently sent out to parents regarding the prices for the 2024-25 school year. The new approved prices give parents the opportunity to choose how many hours they need the NECC services. For infants, 30 hours for $200; 35 hours for $220; 40 hours for $250, and 45 hours for $280. For toddlers, 30 hours for $190, 35 hours for $210, 40 hours for $240, and 45 hours for $270.

Norseland Lutheran Church

Pastor Kyle Madson and John Tetzloff requested bringing back the petition regarding the release of property currently under Nicollet’s ISD 507 and transfer it to St. Peter’s ISD 508. This petition is regarding property by Norseland Lutheran Church. This petition was presented to the board at their March meeting. If the petition is brought back, it will be brought to the Facilities Committee.


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