
‘Looking for a cure’

Lions Club sponsors diabetes walk

A group of walkers traipse through Flandrau State Park to raise money for diabetes cure and prevention on Saturday.

NEW ULM — The 10th annual New Ulm diabetes walk took place on Saturday at Flandrau State park.

In the past nine years the Lions have collected over $100,000 in donations from the annual walk, most of which goes to the University of Minnesota to do research to find a cure for the disease.

A decade ago, one of the organizers, Bob Schirlinger was approached by a friend, Mike Wise, to organize an annual walk in New Ulm.

“Mike approached me about starting a diabetes walk in New Ulm and we run it through the Lions,” Schirlinger said. “I’m a 24 year member of the Lions Club. So we got together and we share the recognition between New Ulm and Lafayette Lyons.”

Schirlinger works as a trustee for the Minnesota Lyons Diabetes Foundation, which was created in 2008 to find a cure for diabetes by working closely with the University of Minnesota.

Over 40 participated on Saturday's diabetes walk at Flandrau State Park to raise money to cure diabetes.

“We’re not talking different insulin, or insulin pumps, we’re talking about finding a cure,” Schirlinger said. “Hopefully transplant islet cells from humans, and hopefully in the future pigs to cure type-1 diabetes.”

Islet cells are clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones that help regulate blood sugar levels.

“Type-1 diabetes is usually caused by your immune system killing off your islet cells,” Schirlinger said.

Schirlinger’s wife Bonnie, has been a diabetic for 62 years, since age 11. She has lost her kidneys, eyesight, and has attained nephropathy as a result of the disease.

“Guess what? That’s why we’re here. They won’t cure Bonnie,” Schrilinger said. “But we’re thinking about those children that are now being born that someday might develop diabetes and we’re looking for a cure. The research at the University of Minnesota will find that cure through the transplantation of islet cells.”

Through Bob Schirlinger's efforts with the Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation, INC, they have been able to raise over $100,000 towards curing the disease.

There were over 40 participants on Saturday’s walk, and you can acquire more information on the Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation at www.mnlions.org.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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