
Courtland approves $586,000 bond for Collin Drive utility project

The Courtland City Council, Mayor, City Clerk and former Mayor Bob Schabert recognized Ralph Bents with refreshments and thanked him for his service before their Thursday, council meeting. Bents has served on the Courtland City Council for over 20 years. Thursday was his final meeting with the council. L to R: City Clerk Julie Holm, Mayor Al Poehler, Council Members Justin Kraus, Pam Rodewald, Ralph Bents, Paul Bode, and former Mayor Bob Schabert.

COURTLAND — Paul Donna from D. A. Davidson & Company was present at the Courtland City Council meeting on Thursday to consider a bond resolution that would issue $586,000 in bonds to fund the Collin Drive street and utilities project.

“What you are pledging to the buyers of the bond is the ultimate security behind it because you pledge that you will levy property taxes to repay the bond. In turn that drives the best interest cost for you. You have structured the bond to repay it in ten years which matches the assessments and property taxes,” said Donna.

“We contacted twelve banks. All the banks in the county and a couple outside of the county that we knew might be interested in this type of investment. Three proposals were received. The best rate was Huntington Bank with a 5.65 percent fixed rate.”

Council Member Pam Rodewald questioned if the debt could be repaid earlier.

Donna said, “You do have the option to repay the debt or refinance it after eight years with no penalty.”

The bond resolution was approved. The closing date is set for January 8, 2025. The funds will be wired from Huntington to the appropriate account.

City Maintenance

Maintenance and Utilities Supervisor Dave Ubel continues to work on the lift stations.

“I’m still waiting to hear back on the pump that went out and was pulled last week. I found sand in the main lift stations so I am checking with Empire Pipe Services to possibly vacuum out all the lift stations,” Ubel said.

Mayor Al Poehler contacted Otto Electric about the light for the water tower, and Ubel added that he still needs to do some work at the park.

Ubel also questioned the council about the drainage issues and cleaning of ditches. The council tabled discussion until their January meeting.

Planning Commission

Mayor Poehler reported on the Planning Commission.

“They are updating the code book. It used to say curb and gutter are optional; however, the new code will require a curb, so we don’t have a ditch problem,” he said.

The commission is also continuing to work on the comp plan and a possible survey.

“What’s the future of the north when we don’t have a big checkbook as a city. It is hard to say what we are going to push and implement,” Poehler said. “It is great to keep growing, but I don’t see a big increase in population.”

Council Member Paul Bode added, “We want to make sure our residential area doesn’t get land-locked by possible commercial or industrial.”

Other News

The council approved the Tri-County Mutual Aid Agreement with Blue Earth, Nicollet and LeSueur counties.

The council approved the 2025 budget at a 3.5% increase over 2024 and approved the final tax levy for $258,347.

Thursday’s council meeting was the final meeting for city councilor Ralph Bents who retired after over 20 years on Courtland City Council. The rest of the council, mayor and former mayor Bob Schabert recognized as celebrated Bents service to the Courtland community before the meeting.

The next council meeting will be Thursday, January 2, at 7 p.m.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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