
Re-elected New Ulm school board members take oath

New Ulm School Board Chair Steve Gag (right) shakes hands with the recently re-elected school board members, after they took the oath of office Thursday. Jonathan Schiro, Christie Dewanz and Matt Ringhofer were each elected to another four-year term on the board in November. Sarah Leslie was newly elected to the board in November. Leslie will take the oath during the next regular school board meeting on Thursday, Jan. 23. L to R: School board members Jonathan Schiro, Christie Dewanz, Matt Ringhofer and Steve Gag.

NEW ULM – The re-elected members of New Ulm’s School Board took the oath of office Thursday.

At the start of the board’s organizational work session, school board chair Steve Gag swore in board members Jonathan Schiro, Christie Dewanz and Matt Ringhofer.

District 88 voters re-elected the three board members during the Nov. 5 general election. This will be the third term for Schiro, the fourth term for Dewanz and the fourth year for Ringhofer.

Following the oath, the board nominated officers for the year. Gag was elected board chair and Schiro was elected vice-chair. Amanda Groebner was elected board clerk and Ringhofer was elected treasurer.

The only other action item was approval of the board’s meeting calendar.

Sarah Leslie was also elected to the school board during the November election, but was unable to attend the Jan. 9 work session. This is Leslie’s first term on the board. She will take the oath during the next regular school board meeting is 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23.

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