‘Roast and toast’
New Ulm Farm-City Hub Club members have ‘good fun’ honoring Eddie and Connie Brown

Connie and Eddie Brown received the New Ulm Farm-City Hub Club’s Service to Agriculture award at the group’s January 27 banquet and annual meeting.
NEW ULM – From “brownies for the Browns” for dessert to a final “Ein Prosit” toast, the New Ulm Farm-City Hub Club annual meeting, banquet, and Service to Ag recognition Monday evening was a fun event.
Club members Eddie and Connie Brown of St. George were awarded the prestigious Service to Agriculture plaque–but not until family and friends had a chance to “roast and toast” them. It was all in good fun–and no one would “either confirm or deny” the stories that were told.
The validity of some were questionable. Speaker Ann Wendinger said to the Browns, “We can’t even roast you, you don’t do anything stupid!”
Wendinger drew on the many times they had shared the kitchen at St. George Parish Center, preparing food for the Hub Club’s Bavarian Blast food stand, church events, Sewing for Sight, and more.
“When we need extra help, who did we call? We called the Browns…it sounds like the Ghostbusters,” Wendinger said. “Connie was always ready to help in the kitchen and Eddie would haul stuff back and forth.”

Guests of honor Eddie and Connie Brown had plenty to laugh about as they listed to roast speakers at the Hub Club banquet.
Wendinger said, “I looked up the word ‘service.’ It said, ‘a willingness to share a portion of your heart with others in words, deeds, and gestures.’ You’re team players. You do it with integrity, honesty, and reliability. Your dedication and cheerful smiles are contagious. It does not go unnoticed.”
Wendinger wasn’t the only speaker to commend the Browns for their willingness to step up. Roast emcee Michele Schroeder told how Connie calls to volunteer for upcoming tasks, sometimes even before the event committees have figured out what help is needed.
Connie Brown folded 600-plus placemats to fit into goodie bags for Family Night on the Dairy Farm, then she and Eddie Brown helped fill the bags. With the help of grandson Caleb, the Browns put up dozens and dozens of posters for Family Night and the club’s 50th anniversary. Eddie and Connie Brown are among the first to volunteer to be ticket takers at the Brown County Fair to fill the Hub Club’s shift. They worked at Heritagefest and now at Bavarian Blast. They help set up and tear down at the Farm Show.
Speaker Brian Fischer said the Browns were among the last to leave the club’s 50th anniversary gala in September–making sure that everything was cleaned up.
“You were never asked. You just stayed,” Fischer said. “You’re earned the respect of our club.”
On a different note, however, Fischer couldn’t resist needling Eddie Brown about his deer hunting prowess.
“Eddie had trouble shooting deer so I helped him provide for his family. I trapped coyotes so there would be more deer and he’d have a better chance,” Fischer said, then went on to say that son Chad and grandson Caleb now hunt, so the family can eat.
Eddie Brown’s oldest brother Tom Brown also took up the deer hunting theme.
“If Eddie and Connie had to depend on Ed’s hunting skills, they’d be vegetarians,” Tom Brown said. “Ed is squeaky clean–but I learned some things tonight, what the hell is going on with what I heard?”
He closed his comments with an Ein Prosit toast, ending with “down the hatch!”
Connie Brown’s brother Perry Forst, 10 years younger, first told of how Eddie got rid of the pesky younger brothers when he came to see Connie–by bribing them with gum.
“St. George people are known for stepping up. They’re always there to help,” Perry Forst said. “Ed and Connie appreciated working shoulder to shoulder with club members at Hub Club events–they’ve pulled their weight all these years.”
Schroeder closed the roast by playing a recording of Paul Harvey’s “On the Eighth Day… God Made a Farmer.”
“This puts best why we have our club, do what we do, and why Eddie and Connie do what they do,” Schroeder said.
Schroeder presented the Service to Ag plaque to the Browns responded. Connie Brown thanked the group that allowed them to be members and to help with the club’s projects.
“We’re fortunate to be part of the small percentage of people that get to be farmers,” she said.
* * * *
More than 125 members and guests attended the annual event, held this year at the New Ulm Community Center. During the business portion of the evening, the Hub Club’s scholarship winners for 2024–Caleb Brown and Andrew Hellendrung–were recognized. Hub Club scholarship chairman Duane Laffrenzen reported that, since 1994, the club has awarded scholarships to 138 students–totaling $86,300.
New Ulm FFA advisor Jeff Nelson and five chapter officers attended the banquet. Officers Logan Platz, Adam Mages, Aubree Schmidt, Megan Beranek, and Zelli Kamm updated the audience on current happenings of the chapter.
Hub Club president Jason Schroeder commended the local chapter for working with club members at the Farm Show, Ag Day Parade, and other events, then, on behalf of the club, presented a $5,000 donation to the chapter for leadership programming.
Brown County 4-Her Alex Schroeder and Nicollet County 4-Her Violet Beranek spoke briefly about 4-H activities in their counties and thanked the Hub Club for donations toward their programs.
Hub Club officers for 2025, elected at the meeting, are Ken Reckard of Courtland, president; Brian Fischer of New Ulm and Ed Mages of Courtland, vice presidents; Ruth Klossner of Lafayette, secretary; Shannon Hillesheim of New Ulm, treasurer; Steve Hoffman of New Ulm, membership director; Justin Gode of New Ulm, events director; Don Sanderson of New Ulm, public relations director; and Kelsey Brandt of New Ulm, Randy Reinarts of Sleepy Eye, and Jason Schroeder of Courtland, directors-at-large.
New members joining the club during 2024 were Gislason & Hunter LLP, Karen Johnson, Jeff Kiecker, Tim & Jane Knaak, Randy Krzmarzick, Bridget Norland, Scott Roemhildt, Kelly & Sarah Schmidt, Rod Schumacher, and Paul & Cindy Torkelson.
Since its founding in 1974, the New Ulm Farm City Hub Club has continued to promote agriculture and agri-business in the New Ulm area through various activities, events, and promotions. Membership is open to anyone interested in agriculture in any way; annual membership (single, couple, or business) is $25. For more information on membership, contact secretary Ruth Klossner at 507-240-0048.
- Guests of honor Eddie and Connie Brown had plenty to laugh about as they listed to roast speakers at the Hub Club banquet.
- Connie and Eddie Brown received the New Ulm Farm-City Hub Club’s Service to Agriculture award at the group’s January 27 banquet and annual meeting.