
SE school board to hire elementary principal

Superintendent to share duties in SE, Cedar Mountain next fall

SLEEPY EYE — After discussion about future administrative structure Wednesday, the Sleepy Eye Public School Board unanimously approved a resolution to hire a full-time elementary principal later this year.

The action follows unanimous December board approval of a three-year superintendent sharing agreement with Cedar Mountain Public Schools, effective July 1, 2025.

Under that agreement, Superintendent John Cselovszki would serve both schools on a 50-50 basis. His 2025-26 salary was set at $170,000, $175,000 for 2026-27 and $180,000 for 2027-28.

Cselovszki would no longer be the Sleepy Eye elementary principal, a position he has held for a number of years, in addition to being superintendent.

In November, the school board approved moving forward in a superintendent sharing opportunity with Cedar Mountain. Board member Brian Nelson said he thought both school districts may be able to benefit from sharing a superintendent by learning how the other school district functions. Sleepy Eye Public School Special Education teacher Sherri Okerman asked the board to hire a full-time elementary principal in the school to help manage the elementary school. She said Cselovszki was a good “go-to” person as the elementary principal.

“This is a unique opportunity that may not come again,” said board member Casey Coulson.

“We have a nice setup here. I have very good staff support here (in Sleepy Eye). I am interested in working at both schools,” Cselovszki said.

Board action to advertise hiring an elementary principal came on a motion by Adam Barka, seconded by Nelson.

The board received a fiscal year 2026 budget draft from finance director Amanda Boomgarden. The adopted FY 2026 budget of $8.39 million compares to $8.49 million in FY 2025. The FY 2025 unassigned fund balance is $2.62 million. The FY 2026 year end general fund unassigned balance is $2.01million.

“I think we’ve done a good job managing our (school district) budget,” said board member Brian Nelson.

Approved donations included $500 from the Land O’Lakes Foundation and $250 each from Farmward Cooperative and AgQuest Financial Services to the Sleepy Eye Future Farmers of America and $200 from Michael and Candace Helget to the Sleepy Eye Care Closet Fund.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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