
Stark skeleton stays festive

The Stark family stands in front of their all-season skeleton on S. Payne Street. Back L to R: Taylor Friton and Spenser Stark. Front L to R: Brittlee Stark and Taylor Friton.

NEW ULM – With the proper attire, Halloween decorations can remain up all year.

Spenser Stark and Taylor Friton discovered this after purchasing a 10-foot skeleton for their S. Payne Street home.

Stark said they purchased their skeleton for Halloween last October. After the holiday was over, their kids Cade and Brittlee were reluctant to take the skeleton down. The family decided to get creative. In November, they dressed it as a turkey. For Christmas, they added a Santa hat. After Christmas they took a little break in decorating it, but as St. Patrick’s Day rolled around the skeleton became a leprechaun.

Stark said the neighbor and the community really seem to enjoy the non-conventional holiday decoration. Photos of the skeleton began appearing on Facebook with people encouraging them to leave him up.

“People really like it,” Stark said. “They wanted us to add more stuff. I was told to add the beads. For Bockfest, I added the beer mugs which worked with St. Patrick’s Day too.”

Friton said they do intend to keep the skeleton up through the year adding appropriate holiday costumes. She confirmed they are working on a plan for Easter.

It is possible that within the next few weeks S. Payne Street will have a skeleton with rabbit ears.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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