
Kickin’ it for Swany’s Pub

At Swany’s 25th anniversary in Courtland

Staff photo by Fritz Busch Kristin Zimmerman, left, and Jamie Mettler, both of Nicollet and a Swany’s Pub kickball team round the bases at the Swany’s Pub 25th Anniversary Kickball Tournament in Courtland Saturday.

COURTLAND — The brother and sister team of Brian “Beanie” and Kelli Fluegge celebrated their 25th anniversary of owning Swany’s Pub Saturday.

Fifteen teams of male and female kickball players from New Ulm, Courtland, Nicollet, Mankato, Lake Crystal and nearby communities reunited with friends and family including the Hulkes and Bodes for a sun-soaked kickball tourney.

The Ballcoholics of Nicollet finished first, just ahead of a Swany’s Pub team.

“It was a beautiful day for a kickball tournament again. We started hosting kickball tournaments about 20 years ago. We did it for about 10 years with 10 to 30 teams. One year it was in the 70s. Other years, there was two or three feet of snow and a below-zero windchill,” said Fluegge.

Kickball players said they enjoyed getting outside and competing with friends and family.

“It’s fun playing with people of all ages. I haven’t played kickball since third grade,” said Rebecca DeMarais of New Ulm.

“It’s fun to get out and play with old friends,” said Jamie Mettler of Nicollet.

Several hundred people attended the event that kept the Fluegges busy. Kelli Fluegge said they made 30 breakfast pizzas Saturday.

“We can’t thank our amazing customers enough. Saturday was everything we wanted our 25th anniversary to be. Faces from the ‘old days,’ their stories, laughter and children watching kickball,” Kelli Fluegge said.


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