Miss Lafayette to be crowned at Lion’s festival

Miss Lafayette candidates Emma Hoffmann (left) and Kylie Berdan (Right)
LAFAYETTE – Lafayette is set to crown it’s first ever Miss Lafayette.
The crowning event will take place during the annual Lafayette Area Lions summer festival Saturday, August 24.
Two candidates are vying for the title. They are Kylie Berdan, daughter of Andy and Lindsay Berdan, and Emma Hoffmann, daughter of Doug and Rachel Hoffmann. Both are 15 years old and sophomores at New Ulm Cathedral High School. Kylie is sponsored by United Farmers Cooperative and Emma is sponsored by Dave’s Place of Lafayette. The girls will represent and promote Lafayette as it prepares for the city’s 125th anniversary celebration in the summer of 2025.
The coronation will take place at 6:00 p.m. at the Lafayette Fire Hall along with other summer festival events.
The Lions supper will feature pork chops grilled by the Nicollet County Pork Producers, along with sweet corn and all the fixings. Proceeds from the event go towards community projects.
The meal will be served from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., with musical entertainment by local musicians Ricky Franta and Larry Mages. The Lafayette Band will present its final concert of the season at 6:30 p.m.
The Lions Club is accepting free will donations toward the club’s renovation of the Lafayette kiddie park equipment. Charitable gambling proceeds will fund the majority of the $100,000 project, but support from the community will help ensure that the recently completed project can be paid off in a timely manner.