
Phase two of Farmward Cooperative elevator expansion underway

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MORGAN — Phase two of the $25 million Farmward Morgan elevator expansion project is about to start.

Demolition of the original elevator and structure was completed in January.

“Phase two is about how we integrate the existing elevator to the Schwartz Farms feed mill so everything ties in together. They (Schwartz Farms) bought the feed mill from Farmward last year,” said Farmward Morgan Location Manager Dan Christensen.

“Schwartz Farms is putting up a couple hopper bottom bins. Farmward will put up a bulk layer and a holding bin to supply corn for the feedmill,” he said.

“Receiving capacity is the big upgrade. We have three new 1,000 bushel receiving pits. We can handle corn, wet corn and soybeans at the same time. It’s a big automation upgrade for us for more efficiency. In the past, everything was operated manually, taking lots of man hours to run the elevator. Now everything can be operated much more efficiently, remotely from a computer,” said Christensen.

Staff photo by Fritz Busch Farmward Morgan Location Manager Dan Christensen stands in front of a $25 million elevator expansion project underway. The project adds automation and safety to the operation.

He said conveyors and two grain legs and a bulk weigher to weigh all the corn. will be added. Another plus is everything is centrally located now.

Phase 1 of the Farmward Morgan elevator expansion project boosted grain storage capacity to three million bushels with the addition of bins holding up to 710,000 bushels each.

Christensen said 230,000 bushel bins will be added on the north side of where the former wood elevator was.

“Everything went well. We were pushing the envelope rate as fall harvest began. We were receiving beans and corn. Phase 2 should be complete mid to late summer 2025,” he said.

Morgan Farmward Cooperative CEO John Husk explained why the project came to be.

“Over the years, the agricultural industry has been an increasing trend of higher yields, larger equipment, and a faster rate of crop harvesting. Farmward is proud to invest in Morgan,” he said.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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