Sarah Leslie: New Ulm School Board
New Ulm School Board
Sarah Leslie
1.) What is your background and why are you running for school board?
I attended New Ulm public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade, graduating from New Ulm High School. I have a BA from The University of Minnesota, Morris and a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of South Carolina. I returned to New Ulm in 2008 and am raising two children with my husband Greg. My daughter attends New Ulm Middle School and my son, Jefferson Elementary. I have a deep knowledge of and a vested interest in the success of New Ulm Public Schools, which is why I feel I am well suited for a role on the school board.
I have been involved with the district in various ways – I was on the District Curriculum Advisory Committee and the most recent superintendent search committee. I was on the Friends of District 88 Referendum committee in 2022 which helped renew the operating levy for 10 years. I am a member of the Heart of New Ulm Leadership Team and the Human Rights Commission, both of which have given me the opportunity to work on civic initiatives with diverse community leaders.
I knew there was a vacancy that would not be filled by an incumbent, so I decided to run for a position. I have attended many school board meetings and study sessions, and I feel I have the knowledge, experience, and dedication to be a successful school board member.
2.) In your opinion, what is the top issue facing District 88 Schools?
New Ulm Public Schools have a lot to be proud of, exceeding the state averages in standardized tests, graduation rate, and attendance. That said, there is room for improvement after some setbacks during the pandemic. Teachers and staff are feeling burnt out and there is a shortage of para and support staff. Across the state, students are reporting lower engagement in school despite the majority also reporting that their teachers care about them. We need to work, as a community, to support teachers and keep students engaged in the process of learning.
3.) What is the board’s role in ensuring that the district serves all types of learners?
NUPS currently offers diverse opportunities for learning such as special education, College in the Schools, advanced placement classes, Career Technical Education, fine arts, athletics and enrichment classes. The Board should continue to review data on participation in these offerings, analyze standardized test data for achievement gaps and areas for improvement, solicit input from teachers and support staff, and continue collaboration with social workers providing extra intervention. School policies, approved by the Board, should reflect the mission of providing equitable learning opportunities.
4.) What role should the board take in helping recruit and retain teaching staff?
The Board hires the superintendent, who in turn hires administration to manage the operations, such as staffing, of each building. We need to show prospective employees that New Ulm is a great place to both live and work. Continued partnership with community leaders on recruiting a talented workforce is important; all New Ulm employers need to attract talent through affordable housing, quality childcare, healthcare, employment for spouses/partners, and opportunities for community involvement. We also need to make sure our compensation package is competitive. Many districts, including ours are facing exponential increases in the cost of health insurance and the Board should be working with legislators to ensure state funding keeps pace with rising costs.
5.) What is your top goal if elected to the school board?
I want to ensure the 2025-2028 district strategic plan reflects the vision of the community. That includes students, district staff, parents, and community members. My goal would be to make sure the community is not only informed about but also participates in the planning process. As a new member of the Board, my other top goal is to be a good student; one who is open to learning from others, does the homework, and is a trusted teammate to all stakeholders.