
Beussman bows out

Mayor Bob Beussman announced this week he is resigning from office, following health setbacks that have affected his ability to handle the duties of the job.

Apparently, Beussman’s performance has become a concern for city staff and council members. The concerns and a conversation let to the city manager drafting a letter, which all councilors reviewed individually and signed, asking the mayor to resign.

It is an inelegant way for Mayor Beussman’s tenure as mayor to end. But the mayor’s letter, published in Thursday’s editorial page, shows he is bowing out with the same dignity he brought to the job for the past 11 years.

Mayor Beussman has treated the office of the mayor as a position of trust, one he did not want to handle lightly. He treated everyone with respect and courtesy, and represented New Ulm with dignity.

In his 11 years he was also a tireless worker for the completion of the Highway 14 expansion project, all the way to New Ulm. He served as president of the Highway 14 Partnerhsip and focused attention on the problems the highway presented. It is a fitting tribute that the funding for the completion of the project is coming as he steps down.

Beussman’s work for this city will be hard to replace.

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