
Thumbs Up/Down


THUMBS UP: You have to hand it to the State Street Theater Company. They are persistent. They are finally presenting their production of “Charlotte’s Web,” a play that was supposed to be presented last fall, but which was closed before it opened because of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.

It takes a lot of committment from actors and crew to put together a show, and even more to keep rehearsing it for months while waiting until it is safe to have an audience.

Congratulations to the cast and crew, which is putting on their show this weekend. It opened Friday night, and has matinees today and Sunday. Seating is limited, but we hope the crowd will be enthusiastic.

Chauvin trial

FINGERS CROSSED: The Derek Chauvin trial is entering jury deliberations next week. This is a case where a lot of people have already decided what the verdict should be and are just waiting to see if the jury gets it right.

If Chauvin is found guilty of killing George Floyd last May, it will be a landmark case. If the jury acquits, it could spark an outpouring of outrage that will rival the violence of last summer.

We do not envy the jury for the decision it has to make. As they deliberate, we know the members will be aware of the possible consequences of a “wrong” verdict. But they have to put that out of their minds, consider the facts of the case as it was presented to them, and decide if Derek Chauvin committed a crime. We pray for God to give them wisdom.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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