
A close shave

Every vote counts in political elections, and every person counted matters when it comes to the U.S.Census.

That was shown this week when Minnesota kept its 8th seat in the House of Representatives by just 89 people counted in the Census, putting us ahead of New York State.

On Tuesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his office is examining whether there are legal options for challenging the census count and the loss of one representative in Congress.

We would imagine New York state would be able to come up with a great number of people who did not respond to the census, maybe because they didn’t trust government, or their immigration status or legal status. Maybe there was an error in math somewhere, Cuomo suggested.

There is no do-over in the Census, however. The count was taken and every citizen was given the opportunity to be counted. Minnesotans responded enthusiastically, enough so that we managed to retain our eighth seat in Congress. New York will have 26 after the redistricting. That’s still quite a few.

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