
What will GOP unify behind?

Having dumped Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, from her leadership post in the House, the Republican Caucus is now free to unite. That has been the goal, according to other Republican leaders. Cheney was ousted not because she keeps saying Donald Trump is lying when he claims he was robbed of the 2020 election, according to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, but because the party wants to present a united front to voters in the 2022 midterm elections, when they hope to take control of the House and Senate, and in 2024, when they hope to win back the White House.

Unity is a good thing in politics, but we wonder what exactly they want to unify behind. It has been a while since Republicans have been the party of fiscal responsibility. They have been in a race for the last couple of decades to outspend Democrats. The national deficit didn’t hit $28 trillion without their help.

Republicans didn’t even adopt a platform in the 2020 elections. The party basically said that what Trump says goes for us too. The fact that no one knew what Trump was going to say or do from one day to the next didn’t bother them.

We’d like to see Republicans adopt a platform, to state the basic principles and tenets of the party, so people can decide whether to unite with them, and stand with them. Voters need to hear what Republicans stand for, because trying to follow them as they blow in the wind can become tiresome.

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