Remove mineral deposits on sinks
Hints from Heloise
Dear Heloise: How can I get rid of the white chalky film on my stainless-steel sink in my kitchen? I tried everything, but this is an ongoing issue. — Cyndi D., Lafayette, Louisiana
Cyndi, try this: Soak a cloth in vinegar and press it against the white area of the sink where the chalky white film is. Let it stay there for 15-20 minutes. Then sprinkle with baking soda and scrub off the caked-on mineral deposits.
You might also want to try spraying the filmy area with fresh lemon juice. Let it stand for 5-10 minutes; then scrub off with a steel wool pad that is infused with soap.
Mineral deposits are difficult but not impossible to remove. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: My son gave me some dollar bills recently that he had in his new leather wallet. His wallet has a terrible chemical odor that made the money stink. There was no way I was going to put that money in my purse.
So, I decided to do some “money laundering.” I had a dish of baking soda that I had recently removed from the freezer. I added cold water to the baking soda, put the dollar bills into the solution, sloshed them around a bit, rinsed in cold water and then draped them over a clothes hanger to dry.
I got rid of the terrible odor and found a good use for baking soda. — Pauline C., Piqua, Ohio
Dear Heloise: I love to make pound cake, and my family really enjoys it, too. Lately, my kids asked if I could come up with some kind of topping to add a bit of new flavor to it. I tried several, but none were a big hit. Got any hints that I can use? — Charity W., Augusta, Georgia
Charity, this is one of my favorite toppings for pound cake, angel food cake and bundt cake. Heat about 1/4 cup of preserves and 1 tablespoon of flavored liqueur in a small saucepan. Dribble it over a slice of pound cake for a yummy dessert topping. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I wanted to mail a big batch of cookies to my grandson and his friends in the military, so Igot an old potato chip tin. I painted the outside of the tin and lined the inside with wax paper. Then I added five different kinds of Christmas cookies.
Over that, I put a round piece of Styrofoam cut from a sheet that had been used to ship my microwave oven to me. I then put cling wrap around the Styrofoam and use it to completely cover the top of the cookies in the tin. After that, I put the lid back on and tape the lid to the can as an added precaution. The cookies arrived as fresh as the day I baked them. — Alma, in Oklahoma