Hardware stores hire retirees
Hints from Heloise
Dear Heloise: A reader wrote in saying that it was hard finding a job at 70 because people pay less than minimum wage for retirees. I wanted to make a suggestion that he try a local hardware store, especially the big-box kind. Our family owns two, and we only hire retirees because of their knowledge and work ethic.
We feel fortunate when a former electrician, plumber or any other person who worked in the construction trade applies. They truly help our customers and have a wealth of knowledge that helps us stock our stores, and our customers come back because of our service team.
Thanks for your time. — A Reader in Upland, California
Dear Heloise: Interesting letter from No Name, in Washington (a man of 70 who seems surprised to encounter age discrimination while job-hunting). Age discrimination is nothing new, so it’s odd to me that this reader is just now figuring this out!
I’m a woman, aged 75, retired nine years now, but I first encountered age bias back in 1989 when my employer (in a large, well-known corporation) informed me that as a 40-year-old woman, I would not be able to go out into the job market and get a good raise.
There was an organization back then called 40Plus that assisted job seekers over 40. Of course, women have always been subjected to age discrimination more often, but it caught up to men a long time ago, too. I wish No Name luck in dealing with this reality! — M.N., via email
Dear Heloise: After purchasing odd-sized toys and finding them too large for gift bags, but too small for the larger gift bags, I found a solution at the dollar store: plastic holiday tablecloths! They’re sturdy for wrapping and easy to cut with scissors, with the plus of nothing poking through, like with wrapping paper. Joy to the world! — Jean Milici, Torrington, Connecticut