
Helping out clerks this time of year

Hints from Heloise

Dear Heloise: My hint regards the busy store clerks who work during this time of year. Whether I park far away or nearby, I always pick up a stray cart, or even one in the cart corral, and take it into the store. I often park at the far end of the lot to get some steps in, and there are often carts left way out there.

I read your hints in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. Thank you and your mom for all the help over the years. — H. Johnson, Bozeman, Montana



Dear Heloise: I make fresh whole-berry cranberry sauce a lot. As it cools, it can develop a “skin” on the surface. I prevent this by covering the surface of the sauce with plastic wrap while it’s hot and leaving it in place until the sauce cools.

This is the same technique used to prevent a skin from forming on hot custards or puddings. I read your column in the Patriot-News. — Betsy Leister, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania


Dear Heloise: Many food items that are refrigerated or that have to be refrigerated after opening have an expiration after they’re opened. For example, spaghetti sauce has an expiration date, but if you look where it tells you to refrigerate after opening, it also tells you to use it within five days after opening.

I can never remember when I open anything. So, whenever I open a jar or container, I write the date that I opened it on the container. That takes the guesswork out of whether something should be tossed.

Also, whenever I freeze anything, I write the date that the food was cooked and the date that I put it in the freezer. I read your column in the Houston Chronicle. — Angela G., Houston


Dear Heloise: I learned a hint recently that artists or kids could use while drawing. Cut out a placemat-sized piece of bumpy rubber shelf liner and place it beside your work area. Place colored pencils or crayons on the shelf liner, and your art tools won’t roll off the table top no matter what! No more chasing or losing coloring tools under furniture. — Priscilla Wigham, via email

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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