Advice for giving advice
Dear Annie
Dear Annie: I truly enjoy reading your column. At times, they are funny and really do make me laugh, and nearly always I can relate to certain situations that people write to you about. I am 28 years old and work at a middle school with children with learning disabilities. I have been at my job for the past three years, and yes, it has been a challenge. But I enjoy helping people and making a difference.
I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in psychology because I always wanted to help people, and I am a great listener. My friends and family come to me and share their problems as I listen and give them encouragement. I always loved watching TV shows, such as talk shows and reality shows, that allow family members to resolve conflict and eventually get along with one another.
It has always been my dream to be able to have a podcast or become a YouTuber. Or to have a column where I can help people as you do, give advice and talk about things that are going on in the world to give others encouragement. I would really love your advice if you can let me know how to make a dream come true. — Your Number One Fan
Dear Number One Fan: First off, thank you for your kind words, and thank you for being a teacher! It is one of the most important jobs that exist. If you love to write and give advice, just keep doing what you’re doing. In addition, you might want to start your own YouTube channel. If you make recordings regularly, you might gather a following over time. I would also recommend that you start keeping a journal of your activities and thoughts, which might eventually turn into a book.
Dear Annie: I’m not seeking advice. I simply wish to compliment you.
I do not know if you hold a license in psychology or as a therapist, but if you do not, you need to know you are a very wise person!
Your advice, whether or not I happen to agree with it, is always thought-provoking. Delivering advice on touchy subjects is never easy, but you seem to do it effortlessly.
If you do hold a license, you made a good choice for yourself and career. You were born to help people with a conundrum.
That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for doing what you do. I’m sure many have been helped in a serious way. At the least, you’ve likely provided an easing of conscience and given hope in familial and friendship issues. — Much Admiration to You
Dear Much Admiration: Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words, which mean a great deal to me. But you should know that it is the readers who make this column unique, with their letters and advice for me and others. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season.